Elks Nerf Wars
Galena Elks Lodge #882 presents Nerf Wars.
Bring your own Nerf blaster.. Protective eye wear and foam bullets will be provided.
10% of all proceeds will be used to replenish supplies remaining 90% will be donated to ARC to assist in fulfilling its wish list.
Each nerf war night will be limited to 48 participants. Please arrive 15 minutes before the event starts. Event will start promptly at 7pm and end promptly at 8pm. Ages: 6-12
Parents/Guardians may participate if space allows.
When: 3rd Saturday of every month. December through March
November 16, 2024
December 21, 2024
January18, 2025
February 15,2025
Times: 7-8pm
Location: ARC Gym
Cost: $5 per participant
Who: Ages 6-12
Have nerf blasters laying around? Have a few extras? Please donate to the ARC/Elks for those that do not have one. May be returned if requested or they will be stored for at the ARC for future use.

To register: Click on the link below