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Boys Youth Basketball
5/6 Grade Boys Basketball
The 5/6th grade boys basketball league for 2024 has been cancelled. Check back fall of 2025 for next year's league.
5/6 Grade Boys Basketball
The Galena ARC boys youth basketball program will once again be offering a 5/6th grade basketball league. All practices and games will be held at the ARC.
Practices: 5/6th ARC Boys Basketball practice will start the week of October 22 with the first 2 practices. ARC coaches will then create teams with equitable talent and small numbers to maximize competition and play time. Teams will begiven one or two time slots per week to practice, with the last practice being the week of December 12.
The league will consist of 8 games in 4 weeks. and a single elimination tournament.
Game dates: November 2, 9, 16
December 7, 14 (tourney)
Important Documents:
3/4 Grade Boys Basketball League
​The Galena ARC boys youth basketball program will host a 3/4 grade boys basketball in January of 2025.
Practices: All practices will take place at the Galena ARC, December 16th through January 20th. Mondays 6-8pm.
Games: At the Galena ARC.
January 4, 11, 18 + 25.
Questions? Contact:
Dave Decker, Executive Director